Sustainability guidelines

VICTRUPESI project-specific sustainability guidelines – were a very practical manual on how to approach socially excluded people in the process of social integration using vocational training.

The document collected the main results of the VICTORUPESI project, provides recommendations on how to repeat the experience in other countries, and suggested measures to ensure the project's sustainability.

The guide also included short life stories and lessons learned as testimonials of project activities.

The Sustainability Guidelines were addressed to a broad public, specifically targeting:

  • operators working directly with adults who understand the concept and can apply the methodology
  • policymakers

Find available the Sustainability guide:

English: Sustainability guide_ eng.pdf

Other languages: 

Italian: Sustainability guidelines_IT.pdf

Romanian: Sustainability guidelines Romanian.pdf

Serbian: Sustainability guidelines - SERBIAN.pdf

Slovenian: Sustainability Guidelines_SI.pdf

Spanish: Sustainability guidelines_ES.pdf

Swedish: Sustainability Guidelines_SV.pdf